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Project Structure

    . --> docs
    . --> src
    src -->
    src -->
    . --> tests
    tests --> unity
    tests --> functional
    tests --> integral

On docs directory, you can find all the documentation of the project. The documentation is made with mkdocs. To run the documentation, you must run the command mkdocs serve on the root of the project.

On src directory, you can find the source code of the project.

- Contains all the functions of the project.
- Contains the cli of the project.

On tests directory, you can find all the tests of the project. The tests are divided into three categories:

- unity: Tests that test a single function.
- functional: Tests that test a group of functions.
- integral: Tests that test the entire application.

As this is a template, the file contains the functions, the main idea is generate provide an exmaple of file that contains the functions of the project that will be used as dependencies for the app.

The cli is build using Typer, on this link you can get more information about how to build a cli using this library.


To do tests we are using pytest. The configuration can be found on pyproject.toml.

We are using pytest-cov to generate the coverage report.

task tests


The documentation is made with mkdocs and staylized with the teme mkdocs-material. All the documentation configuration can be found on mkdocs.yml.

Code documentation

The Code docuemntation is been made with mkdocstrings. So it's automatically generated from the docstrings of the code.

::: module

To get mode details about docstrings, check at docstrings @ Google.